Nurdin, M.R. (2023). Islamic Civil Society Organizations and Their Role in Forming Social Capital in Disaster-Hit Communities in Southeast Asia: The Cases of Aceh and East Java, Indonesia. Osaka: Asia-Japan Research Institute, Ritsumeikan University.
Arfiansyah, & Nurdin, M.R. (eds) (2020). Keluarga dan Relasi Kuasa dalam Masyarakat Aceh [Family and Power Relation in the Acehnese Society]. Banda Aceh: Yayasan Pusat Penelitian Aceh dan Samudera Hindia. [File].
Mahdi, S., Idria, R., & Nurdin, M.R. (eds) (2020). Merawat Ingatan: Biografi Perintis Jalan Damai Aceh [Keeping Memory Alive: Short Biographies of Aceh Peace Negotiators]. Banda Aceh: Bandar Publishing.
Mahdi, S., Fasya, T.K., & Nurdin, M.R. (eds) (2014). Melawan atau Melanjutkan Hegemoni? Demokrasi Lokal dalam Masa Transisi Pasca-Konflik di Aceh Selatan [The Indonesian version of Local Democracy in Post-Conflict Society: The Case of Aceh Selatan]. Denpasar: Pustaka Larasan.
Mahdi, S., & Nurdin, M.R. (eds) (2013). Local Democracy in Post-Conflict Society: The Case of Aceh Selatan. Denpasar: Pustaka Larasan.
Journal Articles
Nurdin, M.R. (2024). Islamic faith‐based organisations and their role in building social capital for post‐disaster recovery in Indonesia. Disasters. 48(S1), e12635.
Hirono M., & Nurdin M.R. (2024). Local knowledge as the basis of disaster management and humanitarian assistance. Disasters. 48(S1), e12634.
Marutschke, D.M., Nurdin, M.R., & Hirono, M.(2024). Quantifying social capital in post-disaster Indonesia: methodological innovation by an AI-based language model. Disasters. 48(S1), e12631.
Meriza, I., Febriari, A., Tisa, M., & Nurdin, MR. (2023). Dakwah Via Youtube? Evolving Dynamics of Religious Communication in Aceh Islamic Society. FITRAH: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 9(2), 329-362.
Nurdin, M.R. (2022). Examining the Effectiveness of Government Agencies in Disaster Recovery: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University, 4, 146-157.
Meriza, I., Febriari, A., Tisa, M., & Nurdin, MR. (2022). The Existence of the Yellow Book in the Digital Era: Study in Dayah Aceh. FITRAH: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 8(1), 21-36.
Mukdin, K., Bawady, Z., Djakfar, T.M., & Nurdin, M.R. (2022) Application of No-Fault Divorce Legal Rules as a Basis for Judges Considerations: A Case Study of Indonesia. PETITA: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah, 7(2), 95-106.
Fadillah, A.Y., Sigit, A.G., & Nurdin, M.R. (2021). The Analysis of Angin Puting Beliung Risk Rate by Utilization of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems in Semarang. International Journal for Disaster and Development Interface, 1 (1), 1-17.
Nurdin, M. R., Sathian, M. R., & Hussin, H. (2020). Forced Migration Governance in Southeast Asian Countries: ‘Same but Different’? Otoritas: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 10(1), 58–78.
Arfiansyah, & Nurdin, M.R. (2016). The Impact of the Aceh Governor’s Regulation Number 451.2/474/2003 on the Quality of Islamic Boarding School Education. Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 15(2), 177-212.
Nurdin, M.R. (2015). ‘Disaster ‘Caliphatization’: Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, Islamic Aceh, and the Indian Ocean Tsunami’, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 33(1), 75-94.
Book Chapters
Tan, D., Le M., Satur. L., & Nurdin, M.R. (2023). Connectivity and Vaccine Diplomacy in Southeast Asia During the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: Dialogues on Connectivity between Europe and Asia: The Next Gen EU-ASEAN Think-Tank Dialogue (pp. 131-154). Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Nurdin M.R., Noveria A., Shalih O., & Mardiah A.N.R. (2022). National Response to the Global Pandemic of Covid-19: Evidence from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. In: Mardiah A.N., Olshansky R.B., & Bisri M.B. (eds) Post-Disaster Governance in Southeast Asia: Response, Recovery, and Resilient Societies (pp. 13-38). Springer.
Nurdin, M.R. (2022). The Rohingya Refugees in Aceh, Indonesia: The Challenges and Chances of De Facto Local Integration. In: Wahab, A., & Khalid, F. (eds) Reimagining Refugee Integration, Realizing Sustainable Development Goals: Progress and Barriers in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Japan (pp. 103-118). UKM (National University of Malaysia) Press. [File].
Nurdin, M.R. (2018). Religion and Social Capital: Civil Society Organisations in Disaster Recovery in Indonesia[Doctoral dissertation, University of New South Wales]. UNSW Sydney Repository.
Conference/Workshop Papers
Nurdin, M.R. (2022, December 10-11). Southeast Asian Studies in Times of Cascading Crises. The Making of Southeast Asianists in Southeast Asia Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand.Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP) Foundation.
Mahdi, S., Ilyas, M., & Nurdin, M.R. (2013, June 8-10). “Galak-galak Buka Dayah?”: Perkembangan Manajemen Dayah di Aceh [“Like to Build Dayah/Islamic Boarding School?”: The Development of Dayah Management in Aceh]. Proceedings of 4th Biannual International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS), Lhokseumawe, Indonesia. University of Malikussaleh (in collaboration with Harvard University).
Nurdin, M.R. (2012, November 22-23). ‘Caliphatization’ through Rehabilitation: Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia in Response to Aceh Post-Tsunami. International Conference on Salvage and Salvation: Religion, Disaster Relief, and Reconstruction in Asia, Singapore. Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.
Other publications
Nurdin, M.R., Mundzir, I., & Srimulyani, E. (Forthcoming). Islam dan Kebencanaan: Buku Pegangan untuk Penyuluh Agama [Islam and Disasters: A Handbook for Religious Instructors]. Banda Aceh: ICAIOS Publishing.
Srimulyani, E., Arfiansyah, & Nurdin, M.R. (2020) Policy Brief: Penguatan Keluarga dan Relasi Kuasa yang Seimbang Menuju Rumah Tangga Sakinah, Mawaddah, dan Rahmah dalam Masyarakat Aceh [Policy Brief:Strengthening the Family and Balanced Power Relations Towards Sakinah, Mawaddah, and Rahmah Families in the Acehnese Society]. Banda Aceh: Yayasan Pusat Penelitian Aceh dan Samudera Hindia. [File].
Nurdin, M.R., Mahdi, S., Sjafei, M.S. (2013) Panduan Pelatihan Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Perdamaian: Pengalaman dari Pelatihan Peneliti dan Penelitian ICAIOS [Economic Development and Peace Training Guide: Experience from ICAIOS’ Researchers and Research Training]. Banda Aceh: ICAIOS.
Unpublished research reports
Nurdin, M.R., & Suryaman, Y. (2022). Central Sulawesi Post-Disaster Recovery Assessment. Save the Children Indonesia.
Nurdin, M.R. (2015). Community Radio and Local Politics in Thailand and Indonesia. University of Passau.
Nurdin, M.R. (2013). Media and Peacebuilding: Policy Lessons-Learned for Southern Thailand from Aceh. University of Passau.